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2020 On-site Optometry

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HR Managers: Your Open Enrollment Checklist is Here!

2020 On-site Optometry

Creating Healthy Work Environments that Attract, Recruit & Retain Top Talent

2020 On-site Optometry

Eye Dilation: All the questions. Answered.

By 2020 On-site Optometry

Eye exams are important to your overall health and wellness, even when you have perfect vision. If you have any risk factors for diseases affecting the eyes, regular eye exams are even more critical.... Read More

Corporate Perks - The Best 20 Perks to Retain & Amaze Employees (updated)

By 2020 On-site Optometry

Businesses need to offer more perks than just a week's paid vacation and basic health insurance to retain the best employees. Some perks are standard, but it takes a bit more than that to keep great... Read More

Employee Health: How Wellness Programming Impacts Business Results

By 2020 On-site Optometry

Today's business leaders are focused on employee wellness, and with good reason. Research shows that healthier employees deliver better results. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to find... Read More

Optometrist or Ophthalmologist: Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Questions

By 2020 On-site Optometry

Your vision is precious. The ability to see clearly is critical to driving, working, and caring for your family. Whether you have always worn glasses, or you think it is time to start, figuring out... Read More

Employee Productivity: Your 5-Step Plan for Measuring and Maximizing it

By 2020 On-site Optometry

A quick glance at your company's income statement shows the total amount you spend on employee salaries, wages, and benefits. If your business is like most, this is one of your biggest expenses.... Read More

What is the Society for Human Resource Management? Should I Join?

By 2020 On-site Optometry

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the largest HR professional organization in the world with 300,000 members in over 165 countries. The best way to describe the society's mission is... Read More

Employee Appreciation Gifts: 15 Impactful Ways to Show Your Gratitude

By 2020 On-site Optometry

An appreciated employee is a happy and productive employee. Countless studies show that employees experience greater job satisfaction and motivation when they feel a sense of gratitude from their... Read More

Employee Appreciation Day: It's All About the Danish Word "Arbejdsglaede"

By 2020 On-site Optometry

Employee Appreciation Day happens on the first Friday of every March. It's a day when managers express their gratitude to employees, but it's also the most important time for skyrocketing the... Read More