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By Jeremy Bornstein
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Did you know?

  • Digital eye strain, aka Computer Vision Syndrome, is a group of eye and vision-related problems, is a direct result of prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use.
  • The average American spends over 7 hours a day in front of some kind of digital screen.
  • Symptoms of digital eye strain include dry eyes, eye irritation, blurred vision, and double vision.
2020 eye strain


A study conducted by the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry examined the relationship between the vision of computer workers and their productivity in the workplace. The study suggests computer vision programs can add significant economic benefits to companies with large numbers of employees who use computers.

Eye exam


Significant economic benefits, as in an increase of 20% or more in worker productivity.

Introducing 2020 On-site’s Exclusive ROI Tool


Want to know how much money your company could save? Try our simple, easy to use ROI tool  to calculate the economic impact on your bottom line when your employees receive accurate vision care.

And then get in touch with us to find out how our mobile vision centers can provide your workers with the eye care benefits they need, at no cost to your company. It’s easy and efficient.

2020 On-site has delivered eye exams to over 30,000 patients at over 300 companies. Our clients (and their employees) love us.



Here’s what Crystal N. McDermot, Benefits Manager at software company Pegasystems, had to say about her company’s experience:

The problem is that in today’s world, no one will take time off to take care of their health - so they end up putting off their own needs. 2020 gave our employees a way to take care of a critical aspect of their wellness, their vision, in a very convenient way that only took them away from their desk for about 15 minutes. I’ve been very happy to include 2020 as part of our on-going efforts to keep wellness a priority at Pega.”

See the Pegasystems Case Study here--including how 2020 On-site’s vision care saved their company over 400 hours of productivity.

Patients praise our services too--97% of them rate us 7 out of 10 or higher and would recommend us to their colleagues.

Take a look at your potential savings, and then call us at 617-356-8117. That’ll be about the most work you have to do.

Calculate Your ROI








Topics: eye health, ROI, savings


Top Companies Choose 20/20 Onsite

We have nearly a 100% retention rate year-to-year among our 450+ clients, and 97% of our 64,000+ patients would recommend our service.

But don't take our word for it, see how and why these top companies chose to work with 20/20 Onsite and how they benefit from the partnership. 


Giving Back with Probono Visits at Boston Public Schools

Did you know that your 20/20 Onsite visit helps students in Boston Public Schools?


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