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Employee Spotlight: Olivia Garcia, Client Success Manager

By 20/20 Onsite
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Olivia HeadshotOlivia spends her days managing the Client Success Team, talking to clients, building relationships, and getting involved in every aspect of the business she can. She shares insights into why an emerging growth company can accelerate your career and how working for a female-led company with a purpose inspires her every day.

What drew you to 2020 On-site? 

The opportunity to run my own book of business was very attractive so early in my career; but, as soon as I read about the pro bono program the company has, bringing free eye exams and eyewear to kids in schools, I was hooked. 

When I joined, 2020 On-site had just secured a round of series B funding, so the excitement of a growing organization where I could get my hands dirty and do something new every day, helping to take us to the next level, was enticing. 

Why should someone join 2020 On-site now?

It's one thing to join a high growth company that's doing well; but to have the opportunity to join one that survived the shutdown due to Covid-19 by expanding their offerings and is poised for even greater acceleration, that's exciting. It shows people that we are not just innovative but resilient and visionary. Our clients in Massachusetts are returning to the office, and they're eager for us to return to their sites. Right now, we are fairly small, so getting in now is the chance to be at the start of our next stage as we build more Mobile Vision Centers and expand our client base.

My Client Success team is focused on strengthening relationships to secure more recurring visits; we aren't selling or supporting a product. As a Client Success Manager, you come into the company and are given a book of business that you are responsible for. You have total control of your days. You are empowered to work on every aspect of the client visit, from building customized marketing collateral, to handling all visit logistics, and then analyzing the finances of a visit. It's creative, it's logistics, and it's people-focused. One of the things I love is being in charge of running the site visits and knowing the team, and the company is willing to try new ideas around whatever is needed to make the client's day the best and most successful one it can be.

What would make someone successful on your team? 

You need to be ambitious, creative and love talking to people. It's very much a social gig where you are meeting with people, planning logistics, and discussing strategies. You spend a good amount of your day on the phone talking to other teams, to your clients, to the city and other officials to get permits, and occasionally to patients. You have to be willing to make those calls, chase those answers, and bring forward suggestions to help make the team better. If you are someone who thrives in an autonomous role, planning and managing projects, you will love being on the Client Success team. 

What is it like working for a company with a diverse team and culture?

I've never worked for a company that genuinely cares about every person they employ the way we do. People are interested in who you are as a person in the office and outside of it; they are not just co-workers. At the start of the pandemic, our CEO grew even closer to us at a time when she could have just been focused on keeping the business going; she was reaching out to see how we all were.

It's incredible working under a female CEO. Alexis McLaughlin is a powerhouse who is successfully pushing our growth. It's an honor working for her and a learning experience with every interaction. You can see and feel the culture and the atmosphere have a very inclusive dynamic. We take note of everyone's holidays and traditions, talking about their celebrations, what has meaning to people. I think what we have here is the next step in what a diverse and inclusive culture can truly be: welcoming, open conversations, learning, and celebrating.

What opportunities and mentorship have you been given to help you progress to where you are now? 

I hope my career story demonstrates the extent of your opportunities here if you are hard-working and curious. I was a year out of college, and I wanted to be part of anything I could. I knew I wanted to lead and direct teams. I expressed an interest in learning as much as I could, and I was supported with chances to grow my knowledge of our tech, the financial side, and insurance. 

I'm a creative person, but I'm also data-driven, so having the chance to oversee my book of business as well as to measure the KPIs for my team's books, to ensure we are hitting all of our targets is very professionally satisfying to me. I have always been transparent about wanting to pursue my MBA. As a first-generation college graduate, that's important to me, and Sonali Bloom, the head of our department, has been an incredible mentor helping me work towards that goal. Even though grad school means I might be leaving for two years, the executive leadership has been so supportive. Sonali has spent so much time directing my growth here and offering guidance on how to prepare for the GMAT and my applications; she's helping me follow my dream. I can't think of many places where you would have that kind of support, but it's just part of the culture and values here.

What are moments you've experienced here that stand out to you as unique to 2020 On-site?

When I started, I saw that my alma mater was on the list of clients, and I asked for the opportunity to take them on. Within my first year, even though they were at the enterprise level, I was given that chance. It was amazing. My contact was so enthusiastic that I was an alumnus, and we've built a true connection. At least once a year, I have a meeting with her walking around campus. It's amazing how much our clients love us and want to make our visits as smooth and seamless as possible.

And of course, our school's program is very close to my heart. We bring free eye exams and glasses to students in the Boston Public School system. In January of 2020, we spent entire weeks dedicated to the school’s program and rolled up to over 20  different Boston Public Schools, seeing an average of 20-30 students in a given day. It was a heartbreaking realization when we encountered children who were legally blind and had never undergone an eye exam or received glasses. Some of these students had previously been identified as having attention or behavioral issues when in fact, they just couldn't see the board. Whenever you are having a tough day, knowing the difference we make and what we give back through this program is motivating not just on a professional level but personally. It means something to be part of a company with a purpose.

If you’d like to join our growing team, we’re currently recruiting for a number of roles including a Marketing Manager and an Inside Sales Specialist. Visit our Jobbio page to learn more about our team and see how you can get involved at 2020 On-site. 


Top Companies Choose 20/20 Onsite

We have nearly a 100% retention rate year-to-year among our 450+ clients, and 97% of our 64,000+ patients would recommend our service.

But don't take our word for it, see how and why these top companies chose to work with 20/20 Onsite and how they benefit from the partnership. 


Giving Back with Probono Visits at Boston Public Schools

Did you know that your 20/20 Onsite visit helps students in Boston Public Schools?


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