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By Jeremy Bornstein
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We tend to think that on-site health care is a new thing, but did you know that way back in 1860s, railroad and mining companies had physicians in nearly every location? (And they needed them, since accidents and injuries were common and often deadly.) The Great Depression stalled these occupational health and safety initiatives, but by the 1930s manufacturing boom, onsite clinics were enjoying a comeback as popular workplace perks.

medicine history

Photo credit: Photo by Matt Briney on Unsplash

In the 2000s, we’ve seen a different kind of on-site healthcare boom--less focused on occupational health, and more on all aspects of health, wellness, and productivity. The stats are in, and they’re exciting: According to In House Physicians, from a 2015 survey:

  • On-site clinic growth is expected to grow to at least 20% in the next few years
  • About 30% of companies now provide some kind of on-site services, up about 50% since 2000
  • On-site health centers offer a ROI as high as $3-$6 dollars for every dollar spent

In a PriceWaterhouseCoopers survey of 255 employers, in partnership with the National Association of Worksite Health Centers, a majority of respondents said the financial objectives for their on-site clinics are being met: 64% reduction in medical care costs; almost 70% reduction in time lost by employees leaving work to see outside medical providers; and 63% reduction in the use of the emergency room.

64 reduction in medical care costs; almost 70 reduction in time lost by employees leaving work to see outside medical providers; and 63 reduction in the use of the emergency room..png

This is all good news, and it’s bolstered by the kinds of programs that look very different from the on-site programs of yore. These include:

  • Employee wellness programs such as on-site gyms and fitness classes
  • Lifestyle coaching that addresses issues like weight loss and chronic illness management
  • Preventive health care, including flu shots, annual physicals, and health screenings
  • Telemedicine--access to physicians online
  • Employee assistance programs that put employees together with specialists in alcohol and substance abuse, mental health, and other issues--with privacy guaranteed

The benefits of such employee health programs include better management of chronic conditions, improved productivity with a healthier workforce, the development of a corporate “wellness culture,” and improved employee retention when employees see that their employers are willing to invest in their health by providing services along with convenience.


Perhaps the most forward-thinking trend is the number of roles that leave the real-world for a virtual connection. With a virtual health coach, appointments can take place online, or via Skype or videoconferencing.

online consultation

Photo credit: Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash

Employees are are exponentially more likely to remain engaged with a virtual health coach than those who pursue support purely by telephone (65 percent to 85 percent engagement rate for virtual health coaches, as against 2 percent for telephonic health coaches,) according to Corporate Wellness Magazine.

What’s more, even urgent care appointments can take place online. Got a rash, or a sore throat, or wonder if you’ve broken a toe? In a 24/7 world, an on-call physician connection can let you know if you should “take two aspirins and call in the morning,” or if you need to see someone right away.


What do they want, what do they really really want? According to Forbes Magazine, millennials are looking to employers to help solve their health care concerns.

A study by Fit Small Business, shows that 34% of millennials chose health care (and, of course, health insurance) as the most important benefit their employer can offer--and they’re actively are seeking out companies that have an on-site health clinic that offers basic and primary care. This is their Number 1 anxiety, causing more worry than college loans, says Employee Benefit Advisor.



Well, we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t think so. 2020 On-site launched its first mobile health clinic vision center in Boston in August of 2014 with the goal of not only offering customers unrivaled convenience but also giving them great value. Since then, 2020 has grown to serve not just the Boston area, but Atlanta and Chicago as well, with plans to rapidly expand across the rest of the country--New Jersey is up next.

With over 300 companies using our service, we've realized there is a better way to deliver healthcare services, and no one should have to compromise their vision because of inconvenience and lack of time.

Our success stories run the gamut from small to large businesses. Our customers--think Pfizer, Microsoft, the Dana Farber Cancer Center, and Carbonite, to name a few, are happy. Take a look at what one company, Wayfair, has to say about the 2020 On-site experience.

Want to know more about how 2020 On-site can bring your company into the latest corporate wellness trend? Contact us anytime!

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But don't take our word for it, see how and why these top companies chose to work with 20/20 Onsite and how they benefit from the partnership. 


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