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By Dr. Shazia Ahmed
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At 2020 On-site, we do more than provide state-of-the-art mobile eye care services to corporate employees. We’re deeply committed to providing the same level of care to young people, and have initiated partnerships with schools in the cities and neighborhoods we serve. So far, we have provided access to vision care to over 60,000 middle and high school students in communities where more than 60% of the students are either on government insurance, or not insured at all.

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Students with uncorrected vision problems are at a disadvantage in the classroom. In many cases, undiagnosed visual disorders and uncorrected vision is the cause of poor school performance. By law, public school students must undergo simple vision screening in school, but many families don't, or aren’t able to, follow up with the comprehensive annual eye exams recommended by the American Optometric Association, which are necessary to correct visual disorders. Further, according to the Colorado Optometric Association, school screenings miss between 70-80% of vision problems.

2020 student eye exam

"We believe that students should have the same access to high-end vision care that we currently provide to companies,” says 2020 On-site founder Howard Bornstein. "Many of the students we see are already being impacted by vision problems that they may not know they have. These children can't see a smartboard clearly, or the faces of their teachers or classmates. That's going to have an impact on them academically, socially and recreationally, and why it's critical to get them the care they need."

In our screening program, 2020 On-site has found that more than half of students need vision correction. We also provide eyeglasses, which are shipped directly to school nurses after the exam, for distribution directly to students.

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If a student’s vision condition is found to be serious, the 2020 On-Site optometrist makes a referral to a specialist and informs the school nurses of a specialized plan for the student.

Bad eyesight shuts a child out from the world,”says Dr. Douglas Haigh, an optometrist who leads the exams on the 2020 mobile vision centers. “These children cannot see past their hands when they are extended. Imagine not being able to see clearly the face of the person in the desk in front of you, let alone the chalkboard or smartboard. These children will not be able to effectively participate in the classroom or play sports and games.”

Dr. Haigh continues, “Social skills suffer as will academic performance. More importantly, children are unaware. I tell my adult patients this whenever I know they have young children. Kids simply don’t know what they are missing out on. Pediatrician visits and school screenings with nurses miss a majority of vision problems. There is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation with the general public and it is hurting these students on a large scale.”

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In Boston alone, 2020 On-site has provided eye exams for nearly 1000 students, and put more than 500 pairs of glasses into those students' hands. Stats for the program as a whole? 1,677 exams and 926 pairs of glasses.

See how it works in this Atlanta-based video!


Needless to say, school staffers are delighted with the program. Here’s just one testimonial, which, we think, sums up exactly what 2020 has been aiming for:

I have just delivered new eyeglasses to 4 of our high school students! All of the students were delighted to receive them and noticed a considerable improvement in their sight. Being high schoolers, not only are they looking to see better, but how they look in those new glasses ranked top priority. These cool dudes love everything about their new glasses! One of them remarked that today felt like Christmas.

The entire process from the examination to the delivery of the glasses to the students required very little extra work from the nurses. I gave new eyeglasses to one student today, and he beamed from ear to ear--and then immediately called his mom to give her the news of his 2 new pairs of glasses, and mom called me, thanking us for offering this service.

I’ve totally bought into the ease and positive outcome of the services rendered by the 20/20 van. Thank you so much.”

Denise Weaver, BSN, RN

School Nurse

Excel Academy Charter High School, Boston

For more about the school program, visit our School Stories Success page.


ABOUT 2020 On-site

2020 On-site is revolutionizing how vision care is delivered. 2020 is the only company bringing state-of-the-art mobile vision centers to businesses and schools so employees and students can get a comprehensive digital eye exam right outside their front door.

Each mobile vision center is outfitted with a retail store that enables customers to purchase contacts and glasses on board. 2020 On-Site has more than 300 clients in Boston, Atlanta and Chicago, and is continuing to expand across the country.


To learn more about 2020 On-site's services or to schedule a vision care day at your business or school, please contact us!


Top Companies Choose 20/20 Onsite

We have nearly a 100% retention rate year-to-year among our 450+ clients, and 97% of our 64,000+ patients would recommend our service.

But don't take our word for it, see how and why these top companies chose to work with 20/20 Onsite and how they benefit from the partnership. 


Giving Back with Probono Visits at Boston Public Schools

Did you know that your 20/20 Onsite visit helps students in Boston Public Schools?


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