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A Deeper Look: Clinical Trials Day

By 20/20 Onsite
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Bringing more awareness to the clinical trials community.

Over the last 18 months, our team has been actively supporting clinical research by leveraging our mobile vision clinics to bring trials directly to patients. That's why we're so excited to celebrate Clinical Trials Day, an event hosted by the Association of Clinical Research Professionals to "recognize the people who conduct clinical trials and to say 'thanks' for what they do every day to improve public health." 

To honor this day, we asked 2020 On-site's life science team what challenges they hope to rise up against in the clinical trial world and how we may be able to help overcome those challenges. And because we see the clinical trial community as just that — a community of passionate and dedicated professionals — we also connected with some industry experts in other areas of the research space to listen to their perspectives and how they plan to engage in #CTD2021.

Enjoy reading our Clinical Trials Day 2021 content below and be sure to follow us on LinkedIn for more clinical insights. 

From our team

CTD - Dr. Sarma

Dr. Debi Sarma, one of our resident optometrists, is passionate about “providing access to vision care for those in need.” Through clinical research, we learn more every day about how to provide accessible care for all - and we think that is worth celebrating!


CTD - Albert Santiago

Albert Santiago, our Senior Clinical Operation and Fleet Manager, is excited that clinical trials have made huge steps in providing quality healthcare for all people. "Clinical trials are about the people and we put people first. That's why we have our company built on wheels, so that we may bring opportunities to those in need, right in their driveway."

As we continue to face a global pandemic, it’s important to recognize the hard work done by clinical researchers in providing accessible healthcare. Through clinical trial research, millions of vaccines have been distributed all across the globe. 

CTD - Ivan Q

“Test and learn today for a better tomorrow.”

Ivan Quiroz, our Senior Director of Service Delivery, celebrates the development of healthcare technologies using clinical research. By providing better testing through our mobile vision clinics, we are constantly improving the way we reach diverse communities and how we provide care for certain conditions. 

alexis CTD

Our CEO and fearless leader Alexis McLaughlin shares why she rises to bring awareness to more inclusive approaches for conducting clinical trials. Now more than ever, the need for accessible care is critical in order to reach more diverse communities that may benefit most from research and treatment. 2020 On-site has been on a mission to bring clinical research directly to the patient — eliminating common barriers like patient recruitment and drop-out.

And last but not least, Adam Merola, Clinic Manager, shares his thoughts on 2020 On-site's impact on the clinical research space: "At 2020 On-site, we are all about making access to care more convenient for our patients and customers. We do this both in our routine care and have recently been bringing convenient options to clinical studies. We truly believe that a more convenient solution is the future of the industry."

From the community




During #CTD2021, we’re excited to celebrate the clinical research community and bring awareness to what professionals in the industry do every day, including Deena Bernstein, VP of Customer Success at Datacubed Health. 

With over 21 years of clinical research experience, Deena has developed high-performance site networks and led site expansion for healthcare organizations, global CROs, and IROs. Today, Deena oversees the client experience for Datacubed Health, a company dedicated to improving data collection and patient engagement in decentralized trials. 

Clinical Trials Day - Casey SCRS

We are honored to include many industry perspectives in our #CTD2021 conversations, including Casey Orvin, Honorary President of Society for Clinical Research Sites

In addition to his role at SCRS, Casey serves as CCO for CenExel, the U.S. leader of independent clinical research sites. With nearly 20 years of experience, he continues to be a champion for clinical research sites, developing key partnerships and generating study opportunities for hundreds of sites globally. 

“It has been SCRS' mission from day one to ensure sites are heard throughout the research community, and we will continue to provide all the resources we can to ensure each patient journey is a positive one.”


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We have nearly a 100% retention rate year-to-year among our 450+ clients, and 97% of our 64,000+ patients would recommend our service.

But don't take our word for it, see how and why these top companies chose to work with 20/20 Onsite and how they benefit from the partnership. 


Giving Back with Probono Visits at Boston Public Schools

Did you know that your 20/20 Onsite visit helps students in Boston Public Schools?


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