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How 20/20 Onsite Supports Late Phase Commitments

First: Choose a Service Method

Which of the below matches how you want to provide eye exams?


I want to provide exams right at the patient's doorstep

I'd like 20/20 Onsite to provide 1:1 exams for patients at the most convenient location - their own home.


I want to provide exams at locations convenient to one or more patients

20/20 Onsite should help me choose locations that can serve several patients at one time.


I want to provide exams in collaboration with a clinic or treatment center

Working with the patient's existing care team, I want to provide a day of group examinations at a place where the patient is already traveling to receive care.

Second: Identify Where Your Need Is

Using the below graphic, identify where your patients or providers are having the most difficulty.


Third: Understanding the Patient Population

Do these patients require any additional assistance or specific health care personnel to conduct these visits? Do they have any accessibility or environmental requirements?



Fourth: Specify Exam and Staffing Needs

Review the protocol or study proposal to understand exactly what examinations are required.

97% NPS (1)
Depending on your study's needs, 2020 On-site can provide certified optometrists, eye care specialists, and customer service professionals to manage your data collection and patient interaction. Patients love us — we have a 97% Net Promoter Score. And when your trial is easy and more enjoyable, you reduce the risk of drop-out and increase engagement — and become a leader in patient experience.


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